Saturday, 26 September 2009


Current Topics in Pain Management, more heat than light?

Winter Scientific Meeting (5 CEPD Points)

Friday 13th November 2009

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh,
9 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JQ


£250 Prize for Winning Poster

Poster submissions are invited for display at the Winter Scientific Meeting of the North British Pain Association on Friday 13th November 2009 at the Royal College of Physicians, Queen Street, Edinburgh.

Each poster abstract will be assessed and only those accepted will be invited to exhibit their work at the Meeting. First authors will be notified of the results shortly after the deadline. N.B. Posters already submitted or presented to IASP and British Pain Society meetings can be submitted here as the NBPA is a regional, not national society.

Preparation and display of posters

The area for display on the poster boards is 2m high x 1m wide (portrait) and posters must be kept within these boundaries. The poster should identify the title of the paper and the authors and their affiliations across the top. Text should be legible from 3ft and drawings and charts kept simple.


Authors whose work has been accepted for exhibition are expected to be available at their posters for discussion during the tea/coffee breaks on the day of the meeting. The judges ruling is final!

The deadline for submission is Friday 23rd October 2009.

Submissions should be sent by email as Word attachments to and .

If required, further information can be obtained from Sandra Lee on 0141 211 4621.