Sunday, 14 November 2010

Listen again: The case for pain management programmes - Dr Lance McCracken

Lecture given at the Winter Scientific Meeting of The North British Pain Association at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on Friday 12th November 2010 by Dr Lance McCracken Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead of the Centre for Pain Services, Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Bath, UK.

Listen to the lecture by clicking on the audio player above, downloading the mp3 file to your computer, or visiting

Listen again: The case for drugs in neuropathic pain - Ms Angela Munday

Lecture given at the Winter Scientific Meeting of The North British Pain Association at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on Friday 12th November 2010 by Ms Angela Munday, Acute Pharmacy Lead, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.

Listen to the lecture by clicking on the audio player above, downloading the mp3 file to your computer, or visiting

Listen again: Graded motor imagery - Mr Tim Beames

Lecture given at the Winter Scientific Meeting of The North British Pain Association at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on Friday 12th November 2010 by Tim Beames, Specialist Physiotherapist and NOI Instructor, London.

Listen to the lecture by clicking on the audio player above, downloading the mp3 file to your computer, or visiting

Listen again: The case for medical procedures - Dr Ryan Moffat

Lecture given at the Winter Scientific Meeting of The North British Pain Association at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on Friday 12th November 2010 by Dr Ryan Moffat, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Glasgow.

Listen to the lecture by clicking on the audio player above, downloading the mp3 file to your computer, or visiting

Listen again: How do we decide if it's worth it? - Prof. Cam Donaldson

Lecture given at the Winter Scientific Meeting of The North British Pain Association at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on Friday 12th November 2010 by Professor Cam Donaldson, health economist at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Listen to the lecture by clicking on the audio player above, downloading the mp3 file to your computer, or visiting

Listen again: How do we know if it works? - Dr Jonathan Todman

Evaluating interventions for pain management, including qualitative research methods.
Lecture given at the Winter Scientific Meeting of The North British Pain Association at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on Friday 12th November 2010 by Dr Jonathan Todman, Clinical Psychologist with the Glasgow Pain Management Programme.

Listen to the lecture by clicking on the audio player above, downloading the mp3 file to your computer, or visiting

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Friday, 10 September 2010

Chronic pain communication skills

 Communication skills resources are now available online. These comprise a series of short video clips with questions and suggestions for further reading. They are designed for healthcare professionals working in the chronic pain field and ideally should be used as a basis for discussion with clinical supervisors.

The videos are released under a Creative Commons Non-commercial Share-alike licence. This means that you are free to copy and redistribute them for non-commercial use.

They can be viewed either from the website at:

Or they can be downloaded as a podcast by copying the following URL into a podcast aggregator (for example in iTunes, click Advanced/Subscribe to Podcast and paste in the URL). Synchronise with your smartphone or tablet device.

Alternatively, the individual files may be downloaded from the Internet Archive.

Feedback is welcome and should be sent to Dr David Craig

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Notice of meeting: Winter Scientific Meeting - Friday 12th November 2010

'Does it work and is it worth it?'

Winter Scientific Meeting (5 CEPD Points)

Friday 12th November 2010

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh,
9 Queen Street
Edinburgh EH2 1JQ

0900 – 0930 Coffee & Registration

0930 – 1015 How do we know if it works? Evaluating interventions for pain management, including qualitative research methods
Jonathan Todman Clinical Psychologist Glasgow

1015 – 1100 How do we decide if it's worth it? A health economist's perspective
Prof Cam Donaldson Health Economist Glasgow Caledonian University

1115 – 1200 The case for medical procedures
Dr Ryan Moffat Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management Glasgow

1200 - 1230 Panel Discussion

1330 – 1415 The case for physiotherapy
Tim Beames Specialist Physiotherapist and NOI Instructor London

1415 – 1500 The case for drugs
Angela Munday Acute Pharmacy Lead NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

1515 – 1600 The case for pain management programmes
TBA Bath Centre for Pain Services

1600 - 1630 Panel Discussion

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

East of Scotland Pain Group 2010 Meetings

As usual the meetings will be in the Education Centre at Queen Margaret Hospital in Dunfermline, with a buffet from 6.45pm & talk from 7.15 – 30 till 8.30 - 9.

Thurs 29th April
Ian Stevens, physiotherapist in Forth Valley
"Body and Mind - Where's the Pain?"
Ian has done an MA in Humanities & has been interested in placebo, neuroscience & body image.

Thurs 24th June
Lars Williams & Martin Dunbar, from the Glasgow Pain Management Service
"Establishing an Acceptance Based Pain Management Programme"
Lars & Martin have been instrumental in setting up the Glasgow Pain Management Programme & have some interesting audit data from their first year's experience.

Thurs 23rd September
Raj Bhat, Interventional Radiologist with Tayside & Fife
"Interventional Radiology in the Spine"
Raj has extensive experience with vertebroplasty & kyphoplasty.

Thurs 18th November
Renata Riha, Consultant in Sleep Medicine in Edinburgh
"Sleep & Pain"
Renata has published on how to improve sleep & sleep apnoea.