Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Notice of meeting: Winter Scientific Meeting - Friday 12th November 2010

'Does it work and is it worth it?'

Winter Scientific Meeting (5 CEPD Points)

Friday 12th November 2010

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh,
9 Queen Street
Edinburgh EH2 1JQ

0900 – 0930 Coffee & Registration

0930 – 1015 How do we know if it works? Evaluating interventions for pain management, including qualitative research methods
Jonathan Todman Clinical Psychologist Glasgow

1015 – 1100 How do we decide if it's worth it? A health economist's perspective
Prof Cam Donaldson Health Economist Glasgow Caledonian University

1115 – 1200 The case for medical procedures
Dr Ryan Moffat Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Management Glasgow

1200 - 1230 Panel Discussion

1330 – 1415 The case for physiotherapy
Tim Beames Specialist Physiotherapist and NOI Instructor London

1415 – 1500 The case for drugs
Angela Munday Acute Pharmacy Lead NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

1515 – 1600 The case for pain management programmes
TBA Bath Centre for Pain Services

1600 - 1630 Panel Discussion